Spark: equivelant of zipwithindex in dataframe

2024/10/6 22:12:12

Assuming I am having the following dataframe:

dummy_data = [('a',1),('b',25),('c',3),('d',8),('e',1)]
df = sc.parallelize(dummy_data).toDF(['letter','number'])

And i want to create the following dataframe:


What I do is to convert it to rdd and use zipWithIndex function and after join the results:

convertDF = ('number').distinct().rdd.zipWithIndex().map(lambda x:(x[0].number,x[1])).toDF(['old','new']))finalDF = (df.join(convertDF,df.number == convertDF.old).select(df.letter,

Is if there is something similar function as zipWIthIndex in dataframes? Is there another more efficient way to do this task?


Please check for this direct functionality parity in dataframes .. upvote that jira if you're interested to see this at some point in Spark.

Here's a workaround though in PySpark:

def dfZipWithIndex (df, offset=1, colName="rowId"):'''Enumerates dataframe rows is native order, like rdd.ZipWithIndex(), but on a dataframe and preserves a schema:param df: source dataframe:param offset: adjustment to zipWithIndex()'s index:param colName: name of the index column'''new_schema = StructType([StructField(colName,LongType(),True)]        # new added field in front+ df.schema.fields                            # previous schema)zipped_rdd = df.rdd.zipWithIndex()new_rdd = args: ([args[1] + offset] + list(args[0])))return spark.createDataFrame(new_rdd, new_schema)

That's also available in abalon package.

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