Sphinx Public API documentation

2024/5/20 15:52:11

I have a large number of python file and I would like to generate public API documentation for my project. All the functions that are part of the api I have decorated with a decorator.

for example:

def post_comment(comment)"""" Posts a coment"""pass

There are other public methods in the same classes. The API is spread among several files each file defining classes with methods and some methods have this @api decorator. How can I tell Sphinx to generate docs just for the public API?


I'm answering my own question... After some more had searching I found this:


Basically you can define a function in your conf.py file can look at each member and skip all that don't have the right decorator.

Here is a little example at the end of my conf.py file (this is the config file for sphinx):

def my_doc_skip(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):if what != "method":return True# if obj is decorated with @api#     return True# return Falsedef setup(app):app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', my_process_docstring)app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', my_doc_skip)

You can also process the docstring with a function.


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