How do I include files in PyPI?

2024/5/20 11:00:13

I am a newb to let me qualify with that. I am trying to put a package on PyPI but having a bit of trouble when I try to install it with pip. When I upload the file to PyPI, I get a warning (but the script finishes with not fatal errors and a 200 status):

'my_package/static/my_folder' not a regular file -- skipping

And then when I go to install it in pip, I get an error:

"error: can't copy 'my_package/static/my_folder': doesn't exist or not a regular file. 

From other answers on SO, I've tried changing up my and my files, with no luck. Here is my current

recursive-include my_package *.css *.js *.jinja2


try:from setuptools import setup, find_packages
except ImportError:from distutils.core import setup, find_packagessetup(name='my_package',packages=find_packages(),include_package_data=True,platforms='any',version='1.0',description='my_description',license='MIT',author='Me',author_email='[email protected]',install_requires=['Flask','Jinja2','requests',],url='',download_url='',classifiers=['License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',],

EDIT: I've also tried leaving out the file just to see if that was messing anything up but I get the same result.


(Reposted from the comment on request.)

Your setup script and should work. To prove this with a minimal example:


Run python sdist and you'll find that both static/a.css and are bundled in the tar.gz package.

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