Measure the height of a string in Tkinter Python?

2024/5/20 11:24:06

I need the height in pixel of a string in a Tkiner widget. It is the text in a row of a Listbox.

I know I can measure the width of a string with tkinter.font.Font.measure. But how can I get the height? A similar question thematised only the width but not the height.


gives the height in pixels of a given widget's font:

try:                        # In order to be able to import tkinter forimport tkinter as tk    # either in python 2 or in python 3import tkinter.font as tkf
except ImportError:import Tkinter as tkimport tkFont as tkfif __name__ == '__main__':root = tk.Tk()widget = tk.Label(root, text="My String")widget.pack()print(tkf.Font(font=widget['font']).metrics('linespace'))tk.mainloop()

Also note that the height of a one line string isn't dependent on its length, but only on its font in a particular environment.

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