python calculator with two float numbers as parameters [closed]

2024/10/6 12:17:23

Write a menu driven program using functions to make a calculator having the following operations: Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide.

  1. Define four functions, with two float numbers as parameters and calculate the answer. The function need not return any value as we can directly print the answer from there.
  2. Create a menu using the print command with the respective options and take an input choice from the user.
  3. Using if/elif statements for cases and call the appropriate functions.
  4. Give the user an option to restart the calculator. To implement this, put the entire code in a while loop with the condition that the input from user should be, 'y' or 'Y'.

Can someone please help me with the code?


Hope this code may help you

def add(a,b):print(a+b)
def subract(a,b):print(a-b)
def multipy(a,b):print(a*b)
def divide(a,b):print(a/b)
while ch=="y" or ch=="Y":x = float(input("first number : "))y = float(input("second number: "))print(".....MENU.......\n 1.Add\n 2.Subtract\n 3.Multiply\n 4.Divide\n")op=int(input("Enter your choice : "))if op==1:add(x,y)elif op==2:subract(x,y)elif op==3:multipy(x,y)elif op==4:divide(x,y)else: print("invalid Choice")ch=input("Do you want to continue?(Y/y) : ")

you may get output as:

    first number : 10
second number: 20
.....MENU.......1.Add2.Subtract3.Multiply4.DivideEnter your choice : 1
Do you want to continue?(Y/y) : y
first number : 20.7
second number: 13.2
.....MENU.......1.Add2.Subtract3.Multiply4.DivideEnter your choice : 2
Do you want to continue?(Y/y) : y
first number : 3.6
second number: 7.9
.....MENU.......1.Add2.Subtract3.Multiply4.DivideEnter your choice : 3
Do you want to continue?(Y/y) : y
first number : 45
second number: 7
.....MENU.......1.Add2.Subtract3.Multiply4.DivideEnter your choice : 4
Do you want to continue?(Y/y) : nProcess finished with exit code 0

this is a simple basic problem ... First you have to try your own code then if you get any error while solving. You have to ask Don't just directly post your question..

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