How to use the variable from the python in rpy2? [closed]

2024/10/6 2:53:34

My simple program extracts the database from Python and store in the variable row.

cursor = con.cursor()       cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM traffic")#Retrieves data from SQLrows = cursor.fetchall()  for row in rows:row = list(row)a = row[1:]b = row[:-1]print(a)print(b)

Now that I am able to get the month and traffic in list a and b like [1000L]


Now I want to plot, histogram and piechart out of it. The row contains two coloumns: MOnth and Traffic. I want to convert this into the chart using Rpy2. How do I do it? Here's my table:

month     | traffic |
| January   |    1000 |
| February  |     100 |
| March     |   10430 |
| April     |    1500 |
| May       |     100 |
| June      |    1200 |
| July      |     800 |
| August    |    8000 |
| September |  100000 |

First, make two lists from your database. Something like:

cursor = con.cursor()       
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM traffic")#Retrieves data from SQL
rows = cursor.fetchall()  Month = list()
Traffic = list()for row in rows:Month.append(row['Month'])          # guesswork - what does a row look like?Traffic.append(row['Traffic'])

Then, now you have two python lists, you can make a plot thus:

>>> r.plot(Month,Traffic)

You maybe want lines:

>>> r.plot(Month,Traffic,type="l")

You maybe want nice labels:

>>> r.plot(Month,Traffic,type="l",xlab="Month",ylab="Traffic")

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