How do the async and await keywords work, exactly? Whats at the end of the await chain?

2024/10/15 23:29:37

I have this code:

async def foo(x):yield xyield x + 1async def intermediary(y):await foo(y)def bar():c = intermediary(5)

What do I put in bar to get the 5 and the 6 out of c?

I'm asking because the asyncio library seems like a lot of magic. And I want to know exactly how the magic works.

Maybe I want to write my own functions that call read or write and then inform some top level loop that I wrote that they're waiting for the file descriptor to become readable or writeable.

And then, maybe I want that top level loop to be able to resume my read and write functions (and the whole intermediate chain between the top level loop and them) once those conditions become true.

I already know how to use asyncio more or less. I wrote this little demo program that computes squares after a delay but launches lots of those tasks that each append to a list after a random interval. It's kind of clumsily written, but it works.

I want to know exactly what that program is doing under the hood. And in order to do that, I have to know how await on that sleep informs the top-level event loop that it wants to sleep (and be called again) for a bit and how the state of all the intermediate stack frames between the call to sleep and the top level event loop are frozen in place then reactivated when the delay is over.


Have you tried looking at the source for asyncio.sleep?

def sleep(delay, result=None, *, loop=None):                                     """Coroutine that completes after a given time (in seconds)."""              if delay == 0:                                                               yield                                                                    return result                                                            if loop is None:                                                             loop = events.get_event_loop()                                           future = loop.create_future()                                                h = future._loop.call_later(delay,                                           futures._set_result_unless_cancelled,            future, result)                                  try:                                                                         return (yield from future)                                               finally:                                                                     h.cancel()

Basically it uses loop.call_later to set a future, and then waits for the future. Not sure this entirely answers your questions, but it might help.

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