Open a file name +date as csv in Python [closed]

2024/10/15 17:23:52

I want to be able to open a file name automatically and save it as a .csv, the files I produce are always called the same thing + todays date. For example todays spreadsheet could be called:

"TODAYS SHEET" + Todays date.xls

Stored in location


How would I get the code to open todays .xls file and save it as a .csv in location


I ultimately want to load data directly from this .csv file for comparison with a webscraper, so there may well be a method to open a .xls file as a .csv without saving it as a .csv in a second location.


It should look like something close to that:

import datetime
today_string ='%x')with open('C:/A/B/C/D/TODAYS SHEET' + today_string + '.csv', 'w') as my_file:my_file.write('a,a,a,a,a,a')

You can have a look at the string format for the strftime function. Also have a look at the open function and what you can do with files

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