Preserve Signature in Decorator python 2

2024/10/14 23:18:45

I am writing a decorator which will catch TypeError for incorrect number of arguments in a function call and will print a customised message. The code is here:

import inspectdef inspect_signature(f):def decorate(*args, **kwargs):try:f(*args, **kwargs)except TypeError as e:print('Failed to call "{}" with signature {}. Provided args={} and kwargs={}.'.format(f.__name__, inspect.getargspec(f).args, args, kwargs))return freturn decorate@inspect_signature
def func(foo, bar):pass
func('a', 'b')

I get the following output:

Failed to call "func" with signature ['foo', 'bar']. Provided args=('a',) and kwargs={}.
Called successfully with foo=a, bar=b
ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwargs', defaults=None)

The function signature is empty. Please suggest me a solution how can I retain it?

PS: I am using python2 and cannot switch to python3.


You missed this here. func(*foo, **bar)

In your case func('a') was not working as you gave fixed arg for it.

You need to pass a variable number of arguments to your function

def func(*foo, **bar):pass

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