how can I export multiple images using zipfile and urllib2

2024/10/14 19:24:04

I am trying to add multiple image files into my zip. I have searched around and knows how to add a single one. I tried to loop through multiple images then write into it but it didn't work.

I kind of did the same thing with txt format and it works that I can compress a few files into the zip but somehow not when with image.

# get all photos in db which will be a queryset as result
photos = Photo.objects.all()# loop through the queryset
for photo in photos:# open the image urlurl = urllib2.urlopen(photo.image.url)# get the image filename including extensionfilename = str(photo.image).split('/')[-1]f = StringIO()zip = ZipFile(f, 'w')zip.write(filename,
response = HttpResponse(f.getvalue(), content_type="application/zip")
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;'
return response

This would give me the last image which in a way I can see why.


Don't create a new zip file in every iteration. Instead, write all the files to the same archive (which you instantiate before the loop):

f = StringIO()
zip = ZipFile(f, 'w')for photo in photos:url = urllib2.urlopen(photo.image.url)filename = str(photo.image).split('/')[-1]zip.write(filename,

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