Error installing polyglot in python 3.5.2

2024/10/14 17:16:50

I want to do sentiment analysis on urdu sentences. I searched a python package Polyglot having URDU POS tagger in it. But on installing, it prompts error;

enter image description here

Any way out?


Even I struggled with this error for a long time.

Follow these steps to install polyglot on Windows:

  1. download package from [][1] . extract into folder
  2. download and install these whl files : pycld2-0.31-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl, PyICU-1.9.8-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl. (Also numpy - I didn't need this since I already had it installed)
  3. Open in notepad and make the following changes: (need to install codecs for this)

The README.rst file throws codecs error. Replace the 2 lines with the following:

import codecs
with'README.rst', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as readme_file:readme =
  1. install using 'python install'

I just made sure that the 'utf-8' UnicodeDecodeError is handled while reading file.

Hope this helps!!!

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