Querying SQLite database file in Google Colab

2024/10/14 11:17:23
print ('Files in Drive:')!ls drive/AI

Files in Drive:


When I run the above code in Google Colab, clearly my sqlite file is present in my drive. But whenever I run some query on this file, it says

# using the SQLite Table to read data.
con = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') #filtering only positive and negative reviews i.e. 
# not taking into consideration those reviews with Score=3
filtered_data = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM Reviews WHERE Score !=3",con)

DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql 'SELECT * FROM Reviews WHEREScore != 3 ': no such table: Reviews


Below you will find code that addresses the db setup on the Colab VM, table creation, data insertion and data querying. Execute all code snippets in individual notebook cells.

Note however that this example only shows how to execute the code on a non-persistent Colab VM. If you want to save your database to GDrive you will have to mount your Gdrive first (source):

from google.colab import drive

and navigate to the appropriate file directory after.

Step 1: Create DB

import sqlite3conn = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Python.db')  # You can create a new database by changing the name within the quotes
c = conn.cursor() # The database will be saved in the location where your 'py' file is saved# Create table - CLIENTS
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE SqliteDb_developers([id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [name] text, [email] text, [joining_date] date, [salary] integer)''')conn.commit()

Test whether the DB was created successfully:



sample_data SQLite_Python.db

Step 2: Insert Data Into DB

import sqlite3try:sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Python.db')cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()print("Successfully Connected to SQLite")sqlite_insert_query = """INSERT INTO SqliteDb_developers(id, name, email, joining_date, salary) VALUES (1,'Python','[email protected]','2020-01-01',1000)"""count = cursor.execute(sqlite_insert_query)sqliteConnection.commit()print("Record inserted successfully into SqliteDb_developers table ", cursor.rowcount)cursor.close()except sqlite3.Error as error:print("Failed to insert data into sqlite table", error)
finally:if (sqliteConnection):sqliteConnection.close()print("The SQLite connection is closed")


Successfully Connected to SQLite

Record inserted successfully into SqliteDb_developers table 1

The SQLite connection is closed

Step 3: Query DB

import sqlite3conn = sqlite3.connect("SQLite_Python.db")cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM SqliteDb_developers")rows = cur.fetchall()for row in rows:print(row)conn.close()


(1, 'Python', '[email protected]', '2020-01-01', 1000)


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