Iterate one list of synsets over another

2024/10/14 2:22:32

I have two sets of wordnet synsets (contained in two separate list objects, s1 and s2), from which I want to find the maximum path similarity score for each synset in s1 onto s2 with the length of output equal that of s1. For example, if s1 contains 4 synsets, then the length of output should be 4.

I have experimented with the following code (so far):

import numpy as np
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
import pandas as pd
#two wordnet synsets (s1, s2)
s1 = [wn.synset('be.v.01'),
s2 = [wn.synset('use.n.01'),
# define a function to find the highest path similarity score for each synset in s1 onto s2, with the length of output equal that of s1
ps_list = []
def similarity_score(s1, s2):
for word1 in s1:
best = max(wn.path_similarity(word1, word2) for word2 in s2)
return ps_list
ps_list(s1, s2)

But it returns this following error message

'>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'float'

I couldn't figure out what's going on with code. Would anyone care to take a look at my code and share his/her insights on the for loop? It will be really appreciated.

Thank you.

The full error traceback is here

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-73-4506121e17dc> in <module>()
38     return word_list
---> 40 s = similarity_score(s1, s2)
<ipython-input-73-4506121e17dc> in similarity_score(s1, s2)
33 def similarity_score(s1, s2):
34     for word1 in s1:
---> 35         best = max(wn.path_similarity(word1, word2) for word2 in s2)
36         word_list.append(best)
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'float'

[edit] I came up with this temporary solution:

s_list = []
for word1 in s1:
best = [word1.path_similarity(word2) for word2 in s2]
b = pd.Series(best).max()

It's not elegant but it works. Wonder if anyone have better solutions or handy tricks to handle this?


I have no experience with the nltk module, but from reading the docs I can see that path_similarity is a method of whatever object wn.synset(args) returns. You are instead treating it as a function.

What you should be doing, is something like this:

ps_list = []
for word1 in s1:best = max(word1.path_similarity(word2) for word2 in s2) #path_similarity is a method of each synsetps_list.append(best)

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