I dont show the image in Tkinter

2024/10/13 22:27:07

The image doesn't show in Tkinter. The same code work in a new window, but in my class it does not. What could be the problem ?

import Tkinterroot = Tkinter.Tkclass InterfaceApp(root):def __init__(self,parent):root.__init__(self,parent)self.parent = parentself.initialize()def initialize(self):frPic = Tkinter.Frame(bg='', colormap='new')im = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="tr.gif")imLabel = Tkinter.Label(frPic, image=im)frPic.grid(row = 4, columnspan = 10, sticky='EW')imLabel.grid(row=3,column=30)if __name__ == '__main__':app = InterfaceApp(None)app.title("P")app.mainloop()

You must keep a reference to tr.gif . This means you need to add this line:

imLabel.image = im

After these 2 lines:

im = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="tr.gif")
imLabel = Tkinter.Label(frPic, image=im)

Other notes:

  • Run import Tkinter as Tk instead of what you have done
  • Fix this: root = Tkinter.Tk() (add parentheses)
  • Change app = InterfaceApp(None) to app = InterfaceApp(root)
  • Remove away app.title("P") and write inside __init__() this self.parent.title("P")
  • Change app.mainloop() to root.mainloop()

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