dopy.manager.DoError: Unable to authenticate you

2024/10/13 17:18:46

I'm trying to configure a Virtual Machine(with Vagrant and Ansible), that needs a to the full correct configuration of this machine (according to the book that I'm studying),I'm was using the DigitalOcean API V2, but as I have no a valid credit card my account is bloked,so I had to change DigitalOcean to AWS,as the company where I work have an account with AWS,now I take the 'client id' and 'api key' from AWS VM,so the foregoing problems returned...when I try use the "python" command the output says again:

dopy.manager.DoError: Unable to authenticate you.

**the** """dependencias: sudo pip install dopy pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1"""import osfrom dopy.manager import DoManagerimport urllib3.contrib.pyopensslurllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3()api_version = os.getenv("DO_API_VERSION")api_token=os.getenv("DO_API_KEY")#do = DoManager(cliend_id, api_key)do = DoManager(None, api_token, api_version=2)keys = do.all_ssh_keys()print "ssh key name\tid"for key in keys:print "%s\t%d" % (key["name"], key["id"])print "Image name\tid"imgs = do.all_images()for img in imgs:if img["slug"] == "ubuntu-14-04-x64":print "%s\t%d" % (img["name"], img["id"])print "Region name\tid"regions = do.all_regions()for region in regions:if region["slug"] == "nyc2":print "%s\t%d" % (region["slug"], region["id"])print "Size name\tid"sizes = do.sizes()for size in sizes:if size["slug"] == "512mb":print "%s\t%d" % (size["slug"], size["id"])

I appreciate any help.


Try to remove quotes from api_token:

do = DoManager(None, api_token, api_version=2)

Otherwise your token is always literal string api_token, not a variable api_token.

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