Python Conditionally Add Class to td Tags in HTML Table

2024/10/13 9:19:26

I have some data in the form of a csv file that I'm reading into Python and converting to an HTML table using Pandas.

Heres some example data:

name  threshold  col1 col2 col3
A     10         12   9    13
B     15         18   17   23
C     20         19   22   25

And some code:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
table = df.to_html(index=False)

This creates the following HTML:

<table border="1" class="dataframe"><thead><tr style="text-align: right;"><th>name</th><th>threshold</th><th>col1</th><th>col2</th><th>col3</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>A</td><td>10</td><td>12</td><td>9</td><td>13</td></tr><tr><td>B</td><td>15</td><td>18</td><td>17</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>C</td><td>20</td><td>19</td><td>22</td><td>25</td></tr></tbody>

No I want to conditionally add a class to each cell in the html table if its value is less than a certain threshold. The threshold is different for each row in the table.

So given the example data above, I want to add a class, class="custom" to cell col2 with name A and to cell col1 with name C. In CSS, I will then fill the cell color as red if it has the "custom" class.

The result would be something like:

<table border="1" class="dataframe"><thead><tr style="text-align: right;"><th>name</th><th>threshold</th><th>col1</th><th>col2</th><th>col3</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>A</td><td>10</td><td>12</td><td class="custom">9</td><td>13</td></tr><tr><td>B</td><td>15</td><td>18</td><td>17</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>C</td><td>20</td><td class="custom">19</td><td>22</td><td>25</td></tr></tbody>

How can this be achieved using Beautiful Soup?


Using BeautifulSoup you can add a class to the tags attrs as you would set a key/value in a dictionary:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser")for row in"tbody tr"):tds = row.find_all("td")     if int(tds[3].text) < int(tds[1].text):tds[3]["class"] = "custom"if int(tds[2].text) < int(tds[1].text):tds[2]["class"] = "custom"

Which using your input html would give you:

<html><body><table border="1" class="dataframe">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
<td class="custom">9</td>
<td class="custom">19</td>

Just use whatever it is in the if that decides whether to add it or not.

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