How to catch network failures while invoking get() method through Selenium and Python?

2024/10/13 4:24:06

I am using Chrome with selenium and the test run well, until suddenly internet/proxy connection is down, then browser.get(url) get me this: enter image description here

If I reload the page 99% it will load fine, what is the proper way to handle this ?


def web_adress_navigator(browser, link):
"""Checks and compares current URL of web page and the URL to be navigated and if it is different, it does navigate"""try:current_url = browser.current_url
except WebDriverException:try:current_url = browser.execute_script("return window.location.href")except WebDriverException:current_url = Noneif current_url is None or current_url != link:retries = 5while retries > 0:try:browser.get(link)breakexcept TimeoutException:logger.warning('TimeoutException when tring to reach page')retries -= 1while not is_connected():sleep(60)logger.warning('there is no valid connection')

I am not getting into TIMEOUT EXCEPTION but to the break part.


As per your question and your code trials as you are trying to access the url passed through the argument link you can adapt a strategy where:

  • Your program will make pre-defined number of trials to invoke the desired url, which you can pass through range().
  • Once you invoke get(link) your program will invoke WebDriverWait for a predefined interval for the url to contain a pre-defined partialURL from the url.
  • You can handle this code within a try{} block with expected_conditions method title_contains() and in case of TimeoutException invoke browser.get(link) again within the catch{} block.
  • Your modified code block will be:

    from import WebDriverWait
    from import expected_conditions as EC
    from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
    # other code works
    for i in range(3):try:WebDriverWait(browser, 10).until(EC.title_contains(partialTitle))breakexcept TimeoutException:browser.get(link)
    logger.warning('there is no valid connection')

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