Selenium - Python - Select dropdown meun option - No ID or Name

2024/10/12 14:18:41

I am trying to select and element in a dropdown menu:

The HTML is:

<div class="col-lg-6"><select data-bind="options: indicator_type_list,value: indicatorType,optionsCaption: 'Choose...', disable: $root.mode().isReadOnly()"><option value="">Choose...</option><option value="Malicious E-mail">Malicious E-mail</option><option value="IP Watchlist">IP Watchlist</option><option value="File Hash Watchlist">File Hash Watchlist</option><option value="Domain Watchlist">Domain Watchlist</option><option value="URL Watchlist">URL Watchlist</option><option value="Malware Artifacts">Malware Artifacts</option><option value="C2">C2</option><option value="Anonymization">Anonymization</option><option value="Exfiltration">Exfiltration</option><option value="Host Characteristics">Host Characteristics</option><option value="Compromised PKI Certificate">Compromised PKI Certificate</option><option value="Login Name">Login Name</option><option value="IMEI Watchlist">IMEI Watchlist</option><option value="IMSI Watchlist">IMSI Watchlist</option></select>

I have tried:

Select = Select(browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(.,'Choose...Malicious E-mailIP WatchlistFile Hash WatchlistDomain WatchlistURL WatchlistMalware ArtifactsC2AnonymizationExfiltrationHost CharacteristicsCompromised PKI CertificateLogin NameIMEI WatchlistIMSI Watchlist')]"))


test = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//option[@value='Malicious E-mail']") 
dropdown = test.find_element_by_xpath('..')
select = Select(browser.dropdown)

However I cannot seem to find the element to select the items in the dropdown.

Any help is appreciated!


There are multiple ways to locate this select element.

Here is one way - locate the select element that has a specific option inside:

from import Selectoption_value = "Malicious E-mail"select_element = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//select[option[@value = '%s']]" % option_value)
select = Select(select_element)

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