Split dictionary based on values

2024/10/12 8:19:45

I have a dictionary:

data = {'cluster': 'A', 'node': 'B', 'mount': ['C', 'D', 'E']}

I'm trying to split the dictionary data into number of dictionaries based on values in key mount.

I tried using:

for value in data.items():print(data)

But I get this:

data = {'cluster': 'A', 'node': 'B', 'mount': ['C', 'D', 'E']}
data = {'cluster': 'A', 'node': 'B', 'mount': ['C', 'D', 'E']}
data = {'cluster': 'A', 'node': 'B', 'mount': ['C', 'D', 'E']}

Actually, I would like to get:

data = {'cluster': 'A', 'node': 'B', 'mount': 'C'}
data = {'cluster': 'A', 'node': 'B', 'mount': 'D'}
data = {'cluster': 'A', 'node': 'B', 'mount': 'E'}

You could use a list comprehension with itertools.product:

>>> from itertools import product
>>> [dict(zip(data.keys(), prod)) for prod in product(*data.values())]
[{'cluster': 'A', 'mount': 'C', 'node': 'B'},{'cluster': 'A', 'mount': 'D', 'node': 'B'},{'cluster': 'A', 'mount': 'E', 'node': 'B'}]

It would even work if another variable contains a list:

>>> data = {'cluster': ['A', 'B'], 'node': 'B', 'mount': ['C', 'D', 'E']}
>>> [dict(zip(data.keys(), prod)) for prod in product(*data.values())]
[{'cluster': 'A', 'mount': 'C', 'node': 'B'},{'cluster': 'B', 'mount': 'C', 'node': 'B'},{'cluster': 'A', 'mount': 'D', 'node': 'B'},{'cluster': 'B', 'mount': 'D', 'node': 'B'},{'cluster': 'A', 'mount': 'E', 'node': 'B'},{'cluster': 'B', 'mount': 'E', 'node': 'B'}]

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