Cannot allocate memory on Popen commands

2024/10/12 4:32:58

I have a VPS server with Ubuntu 11.10 64bit and sometimes when I execute a subprocess.Popen command I get am getting too much this error:

OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

Config details: For each site I have an apache site like this: And also a settings and a wsgi file (both on same folder than project) like this:

I am passing the arguments to Popen constructor as a list and using close_fds=True, I am also using and stdin/stdout to communicate with PIPE for the ones which I need reading the response.

Finally this is the traceback I get when the error appears

The server is serving about 25 sites with small traffic (probably 5 of them has a considerable daily use) my VPS RAM size is 1024MB all of them execute PostgreSQL databases.

All this started when we migrated the sites from a VPS running Ubuntu Server 10.10 32 Bit to 11.10 64Bit.

Any idea how to solve this?

---- EDIT ----

ps aux -->


Some VPS providers calculate memory limits in strange ways. See if what is described in:

helps at all.

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