Scrapy and celery `update_state`

2024/10/11 22:25:45

I have the following setup (Docker):

  • Celery linked to Flask setup which runs the Scrapy spider
  • Flask setup (obviously)
  • Flask setup gets request for Scrapy -> fire up worker to do some work

Now I wish to update the original flask setup on the progress of the celery worker. BUT there is no way right now to use celery.update_state() inside of the scraper as it has no access to the original task (though it is being run inside of the celery task).

As an aside: am i missing something about the structure of scrapy? It would seem reasonable that I can assign arguments inside of __init__ to be able to use furtheron, but scrapy uses the method as lambda functions it seems..

To answer some questions:

  • How are you using celery with scrapy? Scrapy is running inside of a celery task, not run from the command line. I also have never heard of scrapyd, is this a subproject of scrapy? I use a remote worker to fire off scrapy from inside of a celery/flask instance, so it is not the same as the thread being intanced by the original request, they are seperate docker instances.

The task.update_state works great! inside of the celery task, but as soon as we are 'in' the spider, we no longer have access to celery. Any ideas?

From the item_scraped signal issue Task.update_state(taskid,meta={}). You can also run without the taskid if scrapy happens to be running in a Celery task itself (as it defaults to self)

Is this sort of like a static way of accessing the current celery task? As I would love that....


I'm not sure how you are firing your spiders, but i've faced the same issue you describe.

My setup is flask as a rest api, which upon requests fires celery tasks to start spiders. I havent gotten to code it yet, but I'll tell you what i was thinking of doing:

from scrapy.settings import Settings
from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings
from twisted.internet import reactor
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerRunner
from scrapy.utils.log import configure_logging
from scrapy import signals
from .your_celery import app@app.task(bind=True)
def scrapping(self):def my_item_scrapped_handler(item, response, spider):meta = {# fill your state meta as required based on scrapped item, spider, or response object passed as parameters}# here self refers to the task, so you can call update_state when using bindself.update_state(state='PROGRESS',meta=meta)settings = get_project_settings()configure_logging({'LOG_FORMAT': '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'})runner = CrawlerRunner(settings)d = runner.crawl(MySpider)d.addBoth(lambda _: reactor.stop())for crawler in runner.crawlers:crawler.signals.connect(my_item_scrapped_handler, signal=signals.item_scraped)

I'm sorry for not being able to confirm if it works, but as soon as I get around to testing it I'll report back here! I currently can't dedicate as much time as I would like to to this project :(

Do not hesitate to contact me if you think I can help you any further!

Cheers, Ramiro


  • CrawlerRunner crawlers method:
  • Celery tasks docs:
    • Bound Tasks:
    • Custom states:
  • Scrapy signals:
  • Running scrapy as scripts:

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