Python turtle drawing a symbol

2024/10/11 0:29:47
import turtlewin=turtle.Screen()t = turtle.Turtle()
t.width(5)#The vertical and horizontal lines 
t.home()#first small box
for i in range(3):t.left(90)t.forward(20)#second small box
for i in range(2):t.right(90)t.forward(20)t.home()win.exitonclick()

My python turtle code drawing

The character that I want to draw

As you can see the character that I want to draw using python turtle has extended lines at the horizontal line on top and the slanted line below. How do I do that in my code?


You can simply use the turtle.write method to draw the character for the symbol:

from turtle import Screen, Turtlescreen = Screen()turtle = Turtle()
turtle.write("耳", font=("Arial", 50, "normal"))

enter image description here

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