I just wondering how to get the if statement(if 0 < int(message.content)< 153:
) to only test part of the message, not the full message.content.
Eg: if I put in 1s 100
, I want it to test if ONLY the 100 is within and ignore the 1s
, but also have to have the message start with 1s
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from math import floor
import math
from keep_alive import keep_alivebot = discord.ext.commands.Bot(command_prefix = "$")@bot.eventasync def on_message(message):if message.author.bot:returnif 0 < int(message.content) < 153 & message.content.startswith('1s') :await message.channel.send("you are in Bronze 1. You are about {} games away from Bronze 2. *I am not always correct*".format(math.floor((153 - int(message.content))/8 + 1)))