Running parameterized queries

2024/10/10 4:20:03

Quite new to this google bigquery sql thing so please bear with me. I'm trying to build a google standardSQL parameterized query. The following sample was used and ran successfully on Google BigQuery WebUI.

#standardSQLWITH time AS (SELECT TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(timestamp) AS trans_time,inputs.input_pubkey_base58 AS input_key,outputs.output_pubkey_base58 AS output_key,outputs.output_satoshis AS satoshis,transaction_id AS trans_idFROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.transactions`JOIN UNNEST (inputs) AS inputsJOIN UNNEST (outputs) AS outputsWHERE inputs.input_pubkey_base58 = '1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4'OR outputs.output_pubkey_base58 = '1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4')SELECT input_key, output_key, satoshis, trans_id,EXTRACT(DATE FROM trans_time) AS dateFROM timeWHERE trans_time >= '2010-05-21' AND trans_time <= '2010-05-23' AND satoshis >= 1000000000000--ORDER BY date

Sample extracted from here as a side note.

This gives 131 rows:

Table sample

What I would like to be able to do, is to use the ScalarQueryParameter, so I could programatically use some vars along the way. Like this:

myquery = """
#standardSQLWITH time AS (SELECT TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(timestamp) AS trans_time,inputs.input_pubkey_base58 AS input_key,outputs.output_pubkey_base58 AS output_key,outputs.output_satoshis AS satoshis,transaction_id AS trans_idFROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.transactions`JOIN UNNEST (inputs) AS inputsJOIN UNNEST (outputs) AS outputsWHERE inputs.input_pubkey_base58 = @pubkeyOR outputs.output_pubkey_base58 = @pubkey)SELECT input_key, output_key, satoshis, trans_id,EXTRACT(DATE FROM trans_time) AS dateFROM timeWHERE trans_time >= @mdate AND trans_time <= @tdate AND satoshis >= 1000000000000--ORDER BY date
"""varInitDate = '2010-05-21'
varEndDate = '2010-05-23'
pubkey = '1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4'query_params = [bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('mdate', 'STRING', varInitDate),bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('tdate', 'STRING', varEndDate),bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('pubkey', 'STRING', pubkey)
]job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig()
job_config.query_parameters = query_params
query_job = client.query(myquery,job_config=job_config)

Nevertheless, i'm facing the following error:

< object at 0x7fa098be85f8>
TypeError: 'RowIterator' object is not callable

Can someone pls enlighten me on how can i achieve the mentioned purpose ?

P.S - '1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4' is the Laszlo’s Pizza 10.000 bitcoin exchange (1000000000000 satoshis).


So ... the problem was with this line of code that didn't work as expected. Not sure why though, as it worked with queries that didn't have parameterized vars.

results = query_job.result()
df = results().to_dataframe()

And the actual code... Remember to replace with your own login credentials for this to work.

import datetime, time
from import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import pandas as pd#login
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('your.json')
project_id = 'your-named-project'
client = bigquery.Client(credentials= credentials,project=project_id)#The query
q_input = """
#standardSQLWITH time AS (SELECT TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(timestamp) AS trans_time,inputs.input_pubkey_base58 AS input_key,outputs.output_pubkey_base58 AS output_key,outputs.output_satoshis AS satoshis,transaction_id AS trans_idFROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.transactions`JOIN UNNEST (inputs) AS inputsJOIN UNNEST (outputs) AS outputsWHERE inputs.input_pubkey_base58 = @pubkeyOR outputs.output_pubkey_base58 = @pubkey)SELECT input_key, output_key, satoshis, trans_id,EXTRACT(DATE FROM trans_time) AS dateFROM timeWHERE trans_time >= @mdate AND trans_time <= @tdate AND satoshis >= @satoshis--ORDER BY date
"""#The desired purpose
def runQueryTransaction(varInitDate,varEndDate,pubkey,satoshis):global dfquery_params = [bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('mdate', 'STRING', varInitDate),bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('tdate', 'STRING', varEndDate),bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('pubkey', 'STRING', pubkey),bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('satoshis', 'INT64', satoshis),]job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig()job_config.query_parameters = query_paramsquery_job = client.query(q_input,job_config=job_config)  # API request - starts the queryresults = query_job.result()  # Waits for job to complete.df=pd.DataFrame(columns=['input_key', 'output_key', 'satoshis', 'trans_id', 'date'])for row in results:df.loc[len(df)] = [row.input_key, row.output_key, row.satoshis, row.trans_id,]#print("{} : {} : {} : {} : {}".format(row.input_key, row.output_key, row.satoshis, row.trans_id, df#runQueryTransaction(InitialDate,EndDate,WalletPublicKey,Satoshis)


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