How to download PDF files from a list of URLs in Python?

2024/10/10 2:17:08

I have a big list of links to PDF files that I need to download (500+) and I was trying to make a program to download them all because I don't want to manually do them.

This is what I have and when I try to run it, the console just opens up and closes.

import wgetdef main():f = open("list.txt", "r")f1 = f.readlines()for x in, 'C:/Users/ALEXJ/OneDrive/Desktop/Books')print("Downloaded" + x)

The problem is that you are defining the function main() but you are not calling it anywhere else.

Here is a complete example to achieve what you want:

import wgetdef main():books_folder = 'C:/Users/ALEXJ/OneDrive/Desktop/Books'books_list = 'list.txt'with open(books_list) as books:for book in, books_folder)print('Downloaded', book)if __name__ == '__main__':main()

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