Counting total number of unique characters for Python string

2024/10/9 20:21:18

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For my question above, I'm terribly stuck. So far, the code I have come up with is:

def count_bases():get_user_input()amountA=get_user_input.count('A')if amountA == 0:print("wrong")else:print ("right",amountA)def get_user_input():one = input("Please enter DNA bases: ")two=list(one)print(two)

My line of thinking is that I first:
1. Ask user to enter the DNA bases (ATCG)
2. Change the user input into a list
3. Going back to the main (count_bases) function, I count the number of 'A', 'T', 'C', 'G'
4. Use 4 if-else statements for the four different bases.

So far, my code only works up to the output of the user's input into a list. After that, an error just pops up.
Appreciate it if someone can point the right path out to me!


You can use collections.Counter

from collections import Counterdef get_user_input():input_str = input("Please enter DNA bases: ")c = dict(Counter('ACCAGGA'))return cdef count_bases():counts = get_user_input()dna_base = list("ATCG")for base in dna_base:if base not in counts.keys():print(f"{base} not found")else:print(f"{base} count: {counts[base]}")

output when I call count_bases()

Please enter DNA bases: >? ACCAGGCA
A count: 3
T not found
C count: 2
G count: 2

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