Extract GPS coordinates from .docx file with python

2024/10/9 2:30:58

I have some hectic task to do for which I need some help from python. Please see this word document.

enter image description here

I am to extract texts and GPS coordinates from each row. There are currently over 100 coordinates in 10 docx file. My "hefty" python knowledge get me to this.

from docx import Document
import remain_file = Document("D:/DOCUMENTS/Google_Link/1  Category I/1  Category 
table = main_file.tables[1] #this is same for every documentdata = []
keys = Nonefor i, row in enumerate(table.rows):text = (cell.text for cell in row.cells)if i == 0:keys = tuple(text)continuerow_data = tuple(text)
data.append(row_data)regexReference = re.compile("(C.-)\w+")
colReference = [item[1] for item in data]listReference = filter(regexReference.match, colReference)for i in listReference:print i.encode('UTF-8')

I can print 16 reference ids from column 2. Please guide me to print something like this.

C1-20701-17-1some site, some regionThe existing CMC Office at Bariyodhala (22°40'34.3"N; 91°38'28.2"E) requires 
some repair/maintenance works including electrical wiring and electrical 
lights and appliances like ceiling fans supplies. Detail specification of 
the works are attachedx = 91°38'28.2"E
y = 22°40'34.3"N

These XY locations and descritions will be used to create KML files afterwards and attach with each document. I'd prefer a variable for each part of the above section (ref id, location, description, x and y) so that I can automate that as well.

demo docx


I don't know if this works if there are files with different patterns (p.s. I'm using python 2.7.11):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from docx import Document
import sys
import os
import rereload(sys)
sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):for name in files:doc_file = os.path.join(root, name)if doc_file.endswith('docx'):main_file = Document(doc_file)table = main_file.tables[1]  # this is same for every documentdata = []keys = Nonefor i, row in enumerate(table.rows):text = (cell.text for cell in row.cells)if i == 0:keys = tuple(text)continuerow_data = tuple(text)data.append(row_data)regexReference = re.compile("(C.-[0-9-]+)")regexCoordinate = re.compile(r'(N-(.{,12})([0-9]|\')|[0-9].{,12}N)[;, ]+(E-(.{,12})([0-9]|\')|[0-9].{,12}E)')result = []for item in data:tmp = dict()matchReference = regexReference.search(item[1])matchCoordinate = regexCoordinate.search(unicode(item[2]))if matchReference:tmp['reference'] = matchReference.group()if matchCoordinate:tmp['x'] = matchCoordinate.group(1)tmp['y'] = matchCoordinate.group(4)tmp['description'] = unicode(item[2])tmp['location'] = unicode(item[3])result.append(tmp)for rs in result:if 'reference' in rs:for k, v in rs.iteritems():print('{} = {}'.format(k, v))print# Output:
# --------------------------------
# y = 91°38'28.2"E
# x = 22°40'34.3"N
# description = The existing CMC Office at Bariyodhala (22°40'34.3"N; 91°38'28.2"E) requires some repair/maintenance works including electrical wiring and electrical lights and appliances like ceiling fans supplies. Detail specification of the works are attached.
# reference = C1-20701-17-1
# location = xxxxx Site, c Region

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