python - debugging: loop for plotting isnt showing the next plot

2024/10/8 13:30:57

I need help in debugging. I just can't figure out why it's not working as expected.

The Code below should read data files (names are stored in all_files) in chunks of 6, arrange them in subplots (i,j indices 0,0 top left, 1,2 bottom right), show plot.

It works for the first six file names and the plot is being showed. When I close the window of the plot, the code continues and ends without showing the next plot... is at a wrong place?

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=cond_row, ncols=cond_col)k=0 # step
i=0 # indice
j=0 # indicefor z in range(0, len(all_files), 6):for fe in all_files[z:z+6]:get_name_tag = re.findall(".A(\d{7}).", all_files[k])[0]for label, values in data_1_band.items():if label == str(get_name_tag):axes[i, j].set_title("Band " + str(Band_names[specific_band]) +" - "+ "file: "+ str(label))axes[i, j].set_ylabel("Along-Track Scans")axes[i, j].set_xlabel("Along-Scan Scans")im1 = axes[i, j].imshow(values, interpolation="none")cb = fig.colorbar(im1, ax=axes[i, j], label='W $\mathrm{m^{-2}}$ $\mathrm{\mu m^{-1}}$ $\mathrm{ster^{-1}}$')# Taking mean from data and finds location on colorbarmean_loc = (L_B_1_mean[label] - cb.vmin) / (cb.vmax - cb.vmin)# add a horizontal line to the colorbar, 0, 1, label="Mean")#Columns conditionj=j+1k=k+1if j==3:print "entered if condition: new line"i=i+1j=0if i==2:     # Plot is full, resetting for next plotj=0i=0# deleting axes in case there are no 6 files leftif len(all_files) < 4:fig.delaxes(axes[1][0])fig.delaxes(axes[1][1])fig.delaxes(axes[1][2])if len(all_files) < 5:fig.delaxes(axes[1][1])fig.delaxes(axes[1][2])if len(all_files) < 6:fig.delaxes(axes[1][2])


all_files looks like this:


data_1_band: (How can I upload a file, so you could run the code?)

2009161 [[ 3.58403872  3.57167339  3.60095971 ...,  7.01769751  6.809439216.88883769][ 3.40962239  3.51960881  3.54954594 ...,  6.97864908  6.894044147.03657092][ 3.26384158  3.51244993  3.63089684 ...,  6.89729818  6.994919267.11922343]..., [ 8.26724734  8.05183015  7.79801534 ...,  8.21583357  8.243167478.24772312][ 8.17288029  8.11691087  7.66655229 ...,  8.21648437  8.202817428.09998989][ 8.26659653  7.93012921  7.49929484 ...,  8.19305531  8.188499668.10845038]]
2009065 [[ 6.12674245  6.25950712  6.74045364 ...,  7.12377909  7.110762947.0977468 ][ 6.08509079  6.22761757  6.86215459 ...,  7.13093796  7.122477477.11336617][ 6.07728111  6.19702963  6.61745108 ...,  7.13939846  7.125731517.11727101]..., 

The problem is likely that is inside the loop. Generally, it should only be called once, after all the figures have been created. Because once it’s called, matplotlib thinks it’s done.

To solve this, I had to move fig, axes = plt.subplots… inside the first for-loop, and add a fig.close() after

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