How do I fix this OverflowError?

2024/10/8 10:51:13

I keep getting a "OverflowError: math range error". No matter what I input, the result is the same. I'm running Python 3.3, and it's finding the problem at the last line. How do I fix this? (Also, I don't want to hear anything about my overuse of parentheses. It is my preference for there to be this many.):

import matha=float(input('a=?'))
d=float(input('d=?'))critical_point_n=((-2*b)-math.sqrt(abs((4*(math.pow(b, 2)))-(12*a*c))))/(6*a)first_root=critical_point_n-1if first_root==0 and c==0:first_root+=(-0.01)for x in range(10):first_root=first_root-((a*(math.pow(first_root, 3)))+(b*(math.pow(first_root, 2))+(c*first_root)+d)/(3*(a*(math.pow(first_root, 2))))+(2*(b*first_root))+c)

I know you don't want to hear about your excessive use of parenthesis, but the problem is that you have the parenthesis in the wrong places. With the sheer number of parenthesis you used, it took a while to find the problem.

I think the following code is much cleaner, easier to debug, and vastly easier to maintain in the future. I also included what I think is the corrected version of your one-liner.

import matha=float(input('a=?'))
d=float(input('d=?'))critical_point_n=((-2*b)-math.sqrt(abs((4*(math.pow(b, 2)))-(12*a*c))))/(6*a)first_root=critical_point_n-1if first_root==0 and c==0:first_root+=(-0.01)for x in range(10):f = a*first_root**3 + b*first_root**2 + c*first_root + dfp = 3*a*first_root**2 + 2*b*first_root + cfirst_root = first_root - (f/fp)#first_root=first_root-(((a*(math.pow(first_root, 3)))+(b*(math.pow(first_root, 2))+(c*first_root)+d)))/((3*(a*(math.pow(first_root, 2))))+(2*(b*first_root))+c)print(first_root)

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