I currently struggling with extracting certain columns and rows from a matrix stored as a numpy.ndarray.
I have a list in which I've appended these numpy.ndarrays.
This list is stored in a variable named data
print data[0].shape
outputs this
(400, 288)
Which I've according to the documentation have understood being the matrix has 400 rows, and 288 columns.
How do I extract all the 288 seperately?
>> import numpy as np
>> data = np.random.rand(3,3)
>> print data[[ 0.97522481 0.57583658 0.68582806][ 0.88509883 0.22261933 0.84307038][ 0.59397925 0.51592125 0.54346909]]
How do I print the columns separately of this 3x3 matrix, first being
[0.97522481 , 0.88509883, 0.59397925 ]
without outputting the others?