how to have a single search API using path parameters (No form used)

2024/10/7 4:29:53

I have been using this view for searching a word as:

db refers mongo connection (just for ref)

def index():return render_template('index.html')@app.route('/words-<word>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def wordsearch(word):collection_name=word[0].lower()+'_collection'words=db[collection_name]data=words.find({'word':word})return render_template('wordsearch.html',data=data)

In index.html template I have been doing this to match this above url as:

    <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){$('#submit').on('click', function() {var wordvalue = $("#word").val();  //getting word from element ID window.location.href ="/"+"words-"+wordvalue; //match the URL in view})});</script>

Does this can be done in more dynamic way ?, I mean this only works for word and not for other selections,or combination of selections as below:

The search input looks as:

word length: ()
word type  : ()
word       : ()submit

Now the API I have does match only if I send word , but how can I write a single API such that it should match all the possible combinations like word length + word type, word + word type (queries I would define on own)

What I have tried is :

@app.route('/<n>-letter-words', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@app.route('/words-<word>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def wordsearch(word=None,n=None):if word:collection_name=word[0].lower()+'_collection'words=db[collection_name]data=words.find({'word':word})return render_template('wordsearch.html',data=data)data = 'you are searching with' + n + 'words'return render_template('lettersearch.html', data=data)

and in templates the scriptas:

    <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){$('#submit').on('click', function() {var lettervalue = $("#wordlength").val();var wordvalue = $("#word").val();if (lettervalue==''){window.location.href ="/"+"words-"+wordvalue;}else{window.location.href ="/"+lettervalue+"-letter-words";}})});</script>

But confused if there are combination's like, 6-letter-words-of-verbs verb is a word type here

Also how to match the same URL for these combination's from template as i was doing with JQuery used in script above?

Is this the correct way? , I guess writing all possible routes in views and match it from template with the conditions in Jquery is a bad idea ,

any help/guiding links are appreciated ,TIA


Based on my comment-suggested recommendation to not ignore the behavior of the client browser, and to follow the intent of the definition of a URI (where /foo+bar and /bar+foo must not represent the same resource), the following is all you actually require, and handles URI-encoding of the values automatically, where your original did not handle URI encoding at all, and requires no additional client-side JavaScript of any kind:

<form action="/search"><input name="q"></form>

This is essentially how Google's (or DuckDuckGo's, or Yahoo!'s, or…) search form operates. Default method is GET (use a query string), input field given the abbreviated "field name" q (short for query). Using a tiny bit of JS one can bypass the form-encoding and apply the query directly as the "query string" — but remember to URI/URL-encode the value/query/search terms before combining! (And that doing this may bypass any "form data" collection performed by your backing web framework, e.g. you'll need to pull out request.query_string yourself.)

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