How to wtite Erlang B and Erlang C formulas in Python [closed]

2024/10/6 10:28:06

I need to use Erlang B and Erlang C formulas in python script.

  • Erlang B
  • Erlang C

How can I write these formulas in Python?


Try looking for a scientific python library like scipy :=)

from math import factorial
def ErlangB (E, m):InvB = 1.0for j in range(1, m+1):InvB = 1.0 + InvB * (j/E)return (1.0 / InvB)def ErlangC(A, N):L = (A**N / factorial(N)) * (N / (N - A))sum_ = 0for i in range(N):sum_ += (A**i) / factorial(i)return (L / (sum_ + L))

( According to wikipedia pseudo-code)

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