Accessing a folder containing .wav files [closed]

2024/10/5 11:30:33

I am trying to access a folder containing 50 .wav file samples (that I will use for my Gender Voice Classification (using PCA) project), but I cant seem to be able to access the folder properly. The folder is unzipped of course.

the folder containing the file samples is named "SoundSamples", that is inside another folder named "soundFile" that is located on the desktop.

I am running the code below:

import osraw_folder = '//Desktop//soundFile//SoundSamples//'
for file in os.listdir(raw_folder):print(file)filepath = os.path.join(raw_folder, file)f = open(filepath, 'r')print(

The output I get is an error saying "no such file or directory: '//Desktop//soundFile//SoundSamples//' "


You cannot access the relative path to your Desktop folder by starting with the absolute path /Desktop/... As a regular user, your desktop folder is stored somewhere deeper -- typically, something like /Users/(yourname)/Desktop. But don't hardcode that, Python can find the home folder for you!

import os
from os.path import expanduserhome = expanduser("~")
print home
raw_folder = home+'/Desktop/soundFile/SoundSamples'
for file in os.listdir(raw_folder):print(file)

The OS function expanduser locates your home folder and returns it as a string. Then you can paste on whatever folder you are looking for -- Desktop, Documents, or any other path relative to your home.

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