AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute replace_with

2024/10/5 18:32:58

I am getting the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 22, in <module>i.string.replace_with(i.string.replace(u'\xa0', '-'))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace_with'

Some of the code

soup = bs4(open("test.html")) table = soup.find("table", {"color":"#fff"})for i in soup.find_all('small'):i.string.replace_with(i.string.replace(u'\xa0', '-'))  <--Line 22

It was working yesterday, but I had to reinstall Mint on another VM and I can't get that to work again. How can I fix that?

EDIT: This is all the code:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4soup = bs4(open("test.html")) table = soup.find("table", {"color":"#fff"})for i in soup.find_all('small'):i.string.replace_with(i.string.replace(u'\xa0', '-'))#print soup
f = open("new.html", "w")

This is the table in test.html:

<table color="#fff">

According to the documentation, the .string attribute can return None if a tag "contains more than one thing".

This only means that one of the elements in you list (soup.find_all('small')) is a non-leaf element. For instance :

<small>Hello <em>Bobby</em></small>

For such an element, .string returns None because it contains an other element, and the behavior is not defined.

Your code doesn't work because you can't run None.replace(u'\xa0', '-').What you need to do is, inside your loop, test whether the iterated element has a defined .string member or not.

for i in soup.find_all('small'):if i.string :i.string.replace_with(i.string.replace(u'\xa0', '-'))

NB : this is a dirty workaround, it won't work if you have

<small>&nbsp <tag>something unrelated</tag></small>

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