Xpath returns null

2024/7/6 21:35:02

I need to scrape the price of this page: https://www.asos.com/monki/monki-lisa-cropped-vest-top-with-ruched-side-in-black/prd/23590636?colourwayid=60495910&cid=2623

However it is always returning null:

My code:

'price' :response.xpath('//*[contains(@class, "current-price")]').get()


Can someone help please?



When Extracted using XHR: enter image description here

How to retrieve price?


Your problem is not the xpath, it's that the price is being retrieved with XHR.

If you use scrapy sheel and type view(response) you can see that the price is not being generated: enter image description here

Look at the source of the original webpage and search for the price: enter image description here

Then use this url the scrape the price:

    def parse(self, response):import reprice_url = 'https://www.asos.com' + re.search(r'window.asos.pdp.config.stockPriceApiUrl = \'(.+)\'', response.text).group(1)yield scrapy.Request(url=price_url,method='GET',callback=self.parse_price,headers=self.headers)def parse_price(self, response):import jsonjsonresponse = json.loads(response.text).............................................

I couldn't get around 403 error with the headers I provided, but maybe you'll have more luck.


In order to get the price from the json file there's actually no need for json.loads

    def parse_price(self, response):jsonresponse = response.json()[0]price = jsonresponse['productPrice']['current']['text']# You can also use jsonresponse.get() if you preferprint(price)



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