Get a string in Shell/Python using sys.argv

2024/9/22 10:25:15

I'm beginning with bash and I'm executing a script :

$ ./ ./InputFiles/applications.txt 

Here is my code :

while IFS=: true; doline=''read -r lineif [ -z "$line" ]; thenbreakfiecho "$line"python3 ./ \-c ./credentials.json \--blobs \"$line"
done < "$filename"

I want to print the string ("./InputFiles/applications.txt") in a python file, I used sys.argv[1] but this line gives me -c. How can I get this string ? Thank you


It is easier for you to pass the parameter "$1" to the internal command python3.

If you don't want to do that, you can still get the external command line parameter with the trick of /proc, for example:

$ cat 
$ cat
import osext = os.popen("cat /proc/" + str(os.getppid()) + "/cmdline").read()
$ ./ aaaa bbbb
['aaaa', 'bbbb']


  1. the shebang line in is important, or you should execute ./ with bash, else you will get no command line param in ps or /proc/$PPID/cmdline.
  2. For the reason of [2:-1]: ext.split('\0') = ['bash', './', 'aaaa', 'bbbb', ''], real parameter of ./ begins at 2, ends at -1.

Update: Thanks to the command of @cdarke that "/proc is not portable", I am not sure if this way of getting command line works more portable:

$ cat
import osext = os.popen("ps " + str(os.getppid()) + " | awk ' { out = \"\"; for(i = 6; i <= NF; i++) out = out$i\" \" } END { print out } ' ").read()
print(ext.split(" ")[1 : -1])

which still have the same output.

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