Sorting date inside of files (Python)

2024/7/6 22:36:55

I have a txt file with names and dates like this

name0 - 05/09/2020

name1 - 14/10/2020

name2 - 02/11/2020

How can I sort the text file by date? so that the file will end up like this

name2 - 02/11/2020

name1 - 14/10/2020

name0 - 05/09/2020

(I use dd/mm/yyyy)


You can use the datetime module to do this, along with the builtin reading functionality:

from datetime import datetime# Read in the file
with open("file.txt", "r") as infile:contents = infile.readlines()
contents = [c.strip() for c in contents]# Grab the dates
dates = [line.split("-")[1].strip() for line in contents]
dates = [datetime.strptime(d, "%d/%m/%Y") for d in dates]# Zip contents and dates together
zipped = list(zip(contents, dates))
# Sort them
sorted_zipped = sorted(zipped, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Unzip them and grab the sorted contents
sorted_contents = next(zip(*sorted_zipped))# Write the sorted contents back out
with open("outfile.txt", "w") as out:out.write("\n".join(sorted_contents))

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