How to replace a value in a list

2024/9/20 19:49:30

the program asks user to enter 5 unique number, if the number is already in the list, ask for a new number. after 5 unique numbers have been entered, display the list

numbers = ['1','2','3','4','5']
count = 0
index = 0
while count <6:user = raw_input ("Enter a number: ")if user in numbers:print "not unique"if user not in numbers:print "unique"count += 1numbers = numbers.replace(index,user)index +=1print numbers

when the program gets to the replace method, it raise an attribute error


You can use:

numbers[index] = user

A list doesn't have a replace() method. A string does have a replace method however.

If you wish to append a number to the end of a list, you can use append():


If you wish to insert a number at a given position, you can use insert() (for example, position 0):

numbers.insert(0, user)

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