list intersection algorithm implementation only using python lists (not sets)

2024/9/20 7:17:00

I've been trying to write down a list intersection algorithm in python that takes care of repetitions. I'm a newbie to python and programming so forgive me if this sounds inefficient, but I couldn't come up with anything else. Here, L1 and L2 are the two lists in question, and L is the intersection set.

  1. Iterate through L1
  2. Iterate through L2
  3. If element is in L1 and in L2
  4. add it to L
  5. remove it from L1 and L2
  6. iterate through L
  7. add elements back to L1 and L2

I'm 100% sure this is not the algorithm used within Mathematica to evaluate list intersection, but I can't really come up with anything more efficient. I don't want to modify L1 and L2 in the process, hence me adding back the intersection to both lists. Any ideas? I don't want to make use of any built in functions/data types other than lists, so no import sets or anything like that. This is an algorithmic and implementation exercise, not a programming one, as far as I'm concerned.


Here is a faster solution:

def intersect_sorted(a1, a2):"""Yields the intersection of sorted lists a1 and a2, without deduplication.Execution time is O(min(lo + hi, lo * log(hi))), where lo == min(len(a1),len(a2)) and hi == max(len(a1), len(a2)). It can be faster depending onthe data."""import bisect, maths1, s2 = len(a1), len(a2)i1 = i2 = 0if s1 and s1 + s2 > min(s1, s2) * math.log(max(s1, s2)) * 1.4426950408889634:bi = bisect.bisect_leftwhile i1 < s1 and i2 < s2:v1, v2 = a1[i1], a2[i2]if v1 == v2:yield v1i1 += 1i2 += 1elif v1 < v2:i1 = bi(a1, v2, i1)else:i2 = bi(a2, v1, i2)else:  # The linear solution is faster.while i1 < s1 and i2 < s2:v1, v2 = a1[i1], a2[i2]if v1 == v2:yield v1i1 += 1i2 += 1elif v1 < v2:i1 += 1else:i2 += 1

It runs in O(min(n + m, n * log(m))) time where n is the minimum of the lengths and m is the maximum. It iterates over both lists at the same time, skipping as many elements in the beginning as possible.

An analysis is available here:

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