Removing a key from a nested dictionary based on value

2024/10/6 11:31:12

I previusly asked about adding, and someone helped me out with append. My new problem is trying to delete a key with a nested list, e.g.:


data = {"result":[{"name":"Teddy","list":{"0":"24","1":"43","2":"56"}},{"name":"Barney","list":{"0":"24","1":"43","2":"56"}]}


name = input("Input a key to delete") #Must hold a value. 

E.g. Barney => then delete Barney etc.

I use the method below to find a key, but I am not sure this is the correct approach. Finding Barney:

for key in data['result']:if key['name'] == name:print("Found!!!!")

I am not sure. This surely does not work, maybe I should loop through each key or? Any suggestion or code example is worth.

After Delete: Now that barney was deleted the dictionary remains like this.

data = {"result":[{"name":"Teddy","list":{"0":"24","1":"43","2":"56"}}]}

If the goal is to remove list items from the JSON document, you'll want to:

  • Convert the JSON document into a Python data structure
  • Manipulate the Python data structure
  • Convert the Python data structure back to a JSON document

Here is one such program:

import jsondef delete_keys(json_string, name):data = json.loads(json_string)data['result'][:] = [d for d in data['result'] if d.get('name') != name]json_string = json.dumps(data)return json_stringj = '''{"result":[{"name":"Teddy","list":{"0":"24","1":"43","2":"56"}},{"name":"Barney","list":{"0":"24","1":"43","2":"56"}}]}'''
print delete_keys(j, 'Barney')


$ python 
{"result": [{"list": {"1": "43", "0": "24", "2": "56"}, "name": "Teddy"}]}

Note this list comprehension:

data['result'][:] = [d for d in data['result'] if d.get('name') != name]

The form l[:] = [item in l if ...] is one way to delete several items from a list according to the indicated condition.

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