Unable to click on QRadioButton after linking it with QtCore.QEventLoop()

2024/7/8 8:32:05

Few days back i had situation where i had to check/uncheck QRadioButton in for loop. Here is the link Waiting in for loop until QRadioButton get checked everytime? After implementing QEventLoop on this, it worked fine until today. Now i have seen my QRadioButton(pass) button allow me to click on it but not the second QRadioButton(fail).

Fail QRadioButton neither gets hang nor disable but its just i am not able to click on it.

My QEventLoop code is :

self.loop = QtCore.QEventLoop()

Code in the for loop is :

self.loop.exec_();if self.ui.fail_radio.isChecked():***Some Code**self.radioExclusive()
elif self.ui.pass_radio.isChecked():***Some Code**self.radioExclusive()

And this radioExclusive function does this :-

def radioExclusive(self):self.ui.pass_radio.setAutoExclusive(False);self.ui.fail_radio.setAutoExclusive(False);self.ui.pass_radio.setChecked(False)self.ui.fail_radio.setChecked(False)self.ui.pass_radio.setAutoExclusive(True);self.ui.fail_radio.setAutoExclusive(True);

I am not sure at what point this problem is happening?


Okay, the issue is not with QEventloop but while developing UI of Radio Pass, Extra Area of pass was shadowing Fail Radio.

enter image description here


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