This is the Matlab code which is returning eigenvector in V and eigenvalue in D. Consider C is 9*9 matrix then V is 9*9 matrix and D is 9*9 diagonal. matrix.
[V,D] = eig(C);
I want the same thing in Python and in the same order as Matlab. I am using this code:
[V1, D] = np.linalg.eig(C)
V = np.zeros((9,9))for i in range(9):V[i][i] = V1[i]
(consider V to be in the for loop)
This code is giving me eigenvalue in V1 and eigenvector in D. I changed V1 to V to get a diagonal 9*9 matrix.
But the problem is that I want the eigenvalue and vector in the same order as Matlab which I am not getting in the python. Please help me in getting the values in the same order as Matlab.
See the link below for the difference in values between Matlab and python.