Hi I'm having an issue with a module for my Discord bot. I'm getting AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'channels'
I'm not sure way it's throwing out this error:
Here is what I'm working with:
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.utils import get
import logging as log
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import discord
import os
from .utils import checks
from run import UKGBotimport asyncioclass Pinner():"""Pins messages to a specific channel."""def __init__(self, bot: UKGBot):self.bot = botasync def on_message(self, message):"""Listen for message then pin it"""try:guild = message.guildchannel = get(message.guild.channels, name="gtky")pins = await message.channel.pins()if message.channel == channel and message.type != discord.MessageType.pins_add:if len(pins) == 20:await message.unpin(pins[-1])await asyncio.sleep(3) await message.pin()except discord.Forbidden:print("No permissions to do that!")def setup(bot):"""Setup function"""to_add = Pinner(bot)bot.add_listener(to_add.on_message, 'on_message')bot.add_cog(to_add)