Stopping a while loop mid-way - Python

2024/9/20 12:26:47

What is the best way to stop a 'while' loop in Python mid-way through the statement? I'm aware of break but I thought using this would be bad practice.

For example, in this code below, I only want the program to print once, not twice...

variable = ""
while variable == "" :print("Variable is blank.")# statement should break here...variable = "text"print("Variable is: " + variable)

Can you help? Thanks in advance.


break is fine, although it is usually used conditionally. Used unconditionally, it raises the question of why a while loop is used at all:

# Don't do this
while condition:<some code>break<some unreachable code># Do this
if condition:<some code>

Used conditionally, it provides a way of testing the loop condition (or a completely separate condition) early:

while <some condition>:<some code>if <other condition>:break<some more code>

It is often used with an otherwise infinite loop to simulate the do-while statement found in other languages, so that you can guarantee the loop executes at least once.

while True:<some code>if <some condition>:break

rather than

<some code>
while <some condition>:<some code>

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