Iterating through list and getting even and odd numbers

2024/9/22 5:37:56

yet one more exercise that I seem to have a problem with. I'd say I've got it right, but Python knows better.

The body of the task is:

Write a function that takes a list or tuple of numbers. Return a two-element list, containing (respectively) the sum of the even-indexed numbers and the sum of the odd-indexed numbers. So calling the function as even_odd_sums([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]) , you’ll get back [90, 120] .

My code is:

def even_odd_sums(sequence):sum_list = []for i, v in enumerate(sequence):if i % 2 == 0:sum_list = sum_list.insert(0, sum(v))else:sum_list = sum_list.insert(1, sum(v))return sum_listprint(even_odd_sums([10,20,30,40,50,60]))

the result is:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-60-14518295929c> in <module>
----> 1 print(even_odd_sums([10,20,30,40,50,60]))<ipython-input-59-51fcb6e9a115> in even_odd_sums(sequence)3     for i, v in enumerate(sequence):4         if i % 2 == 0:
----> 5            sum_list = sum_list.insert(0, sum(v))6         else:7            sum_list = sum_list.insert(1, sum(v))TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

I tried to find the solution on Google, I tried other ways to solve this task ("for i in range(len(sequence)), but I just can't solve non-iterable object problem

Thank you in advance!


As has been pointed out, sum takes an iterable, not a number. So, with your loop-approach, you could just keep adding to the proper sum:

def even_odd_sums(sequence):sum_list = [0, 0]for i, v in enumerate(sequence):sum_list[i % 2] += vreturn sum_list

Or, you can do the much simpler summation of the appropriate slices:

def even_odd_sums(sequence):return [sum(sequence[::2]), sum(sequence[1::2])]

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