Syntax Error at the end of a while loop

2024/7/7 6:01:56

EDIT: This question was ask at the start of my learning process for python. The Syntax Error was produced by pythons IDLE with no trackback to speak of. This was the main cause of the problem and confusion when people asked for the full error.

I am working on a simple note recall program. I am not 100% sure why I keep getting a syntax error if anyone can assist.

Note: The error was only "Syntax Error". There was no other information displayed with the error.

The error is showing up at the end of the program code where program = False is. Am I not allowed to put that after print or something?

Keep in mind I am very new to Python and programming in general. So if you do have a solution please explain what I was doing wrong.

''' Goal = quick access list of notes that I can add to or remove from as needed.'''
'''    Note: this script is designed for python 3.2+ check converted elements    '''
####################################################################################notes = {'ban': 'BAN: is the account number.','bdt': 'testing    derp'}program = True
active = Falsedef note_finder(word):while active == True:print ('Type one of the following keywords','\n','ban','\n','test','\n','test2','\n', 'Or type exit to close')choice2 = input('--> ').lower()if choice2 == 'exit':print ('Exiting Function')active = Falseprogram = Trueelif choice2 in notes:print (notes[choice2])else:print ("Not a Keyword")while program == True:print ('Type one of the following options:','\n','1','\n','2','\n','3')choice1 = int(input('--> '))if choice1 < 1 or choice1 > 3:print ("Not an option")else:print (note_finder(input('--->'))program = Falseactive = True

You're missing a parenthesis at the end of the print line.


 print (note_finder(input('--->'))


else:print (note_finder(input('--->')))program = Falseactive = True

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