Insert into table using For In Range and keys of the value

2024/7/6 21:41:37

I have a query (sql1) that populates data, and I am trying to insert the outcome of this data (sql1) as well as other inputs into same table.

Here is first query (sql1).

sql1 = ' Select Creator_Id, Record_Id, max(Course_Num) + 1, SiteCode ' \' from ' \' (Select Creator_Id, Record_Id, max(Course_Num) + 1, SiteCode from Courses ' \' where ( Record_Id not in ("Test") ) ' \' group by Record_Id 'cursor.execute(sql1)
all = cursor.fetchall()

I am not sure bottom code is correct (where fields %s comes in and rest fields).

for Creator_Id, Record_Id, Course_Num, SiteCode in all: sql2 = ' Insert into Courses ' \' ( Creator_Id, ' \'  Record_Id, ' \'  Course_Num, ' \'  SiteCode, ' \' coursename, ' \' datestamp ) ' \' VALUES ' \' ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s ) ' \

How do I express/complete something like on the bottom on this case (where I have two more columns to insert)?

I got this sample from other post, but not I am sure how to apply Key(s) of the value.

Sorry, I need some guidance regards to what I am doing here.

 cursor.execute(sql2, (Cretor_Id, Record_Id, Course_Num, SiteCode), "UniqueCourseName", "")

the second part is correct but instead of put this ( %s, %s, %s, %s, "UniqueCourseName", CURDATE() ) use this ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s ) and:

cursor.execute(sql2, (all[i]['Key1'], all[i]['Key2'], all[i]['Key3'], all[i]['Key4']),"UniqueCourseName", CURDATE())

if you print(all[0]), you will se something like

'Creator_Id' :'value1'
' Course_Num':'value3'' SiteCode':'value3'' coursename ':'value4'' datestamp':value5

and 'Key' make reference to creator_id, because is a dictionary.

if return a tuple then:

cursor.execute(sql2, (i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]),"UniqueCourseName", CURDATE())

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