Count occurence of a word by ID in python

2024/7/5 11:02:58

Following is the content of a file,My question is how to count the number of occurences for the word "optimus" for different IDs

    ID67    DATEUID Thank you for choosing Optimus prime. Please wait for an Optimus prime to respond. You are currently number 0 in the queue. You should be connected to an agent in approximately TIMEUID.. You are now chatting with AGENTUID   0ID67    Optimus MEMORYUID Hi there! Welcome to Optimus prime Web Chat. How can I help you today?        1       ID67    Optimus DATEUID I like to pay  prepaid from CURRENCYUID with NUMBERUID expiry on whateve date. my phone no is PHONEUID 2ID12120 0 0 0 is the number. They are open 0/0 so you can ring them anytime. SMILEUID   1ID12120 Thanks Optimus, I will give them a call. Thanks for your help! HELPUID  2ID5552  is the number. They are open 0/0 so you can ring them anytime. SMILEUID 1ID5552  Thanks Optimus, I will give them a call. Thanks for your help! HELPUID  2for line in chat.txt:print line, ####print lines and count optimus word for the particular id..

Output should be like


One way is to use a defaultdict for the counts:

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(int)
with open("chat.txt") as f:for line in f:id, data = line.split(None, 1)d[id] += data.lower().count("optimus")

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