Read csv into database SQLite3 ODO Python

2024/10/5 22:22:11

I am trying to read in a csv into a new table in a new databased using ODO, SQLite3 and Python.

I am following these guides:

I am trying the following:

import sqlite3
import csv
from odo import odofile_path = 'my_path/'
# In this case 'my_path/' is a substitute for my real pathdb_name = 'data.sqlite'conn = sqlite3.connect(file_path + db_name)

This creates a new sqlite file data.sqlite within file_path. I can see it there in the folder.

When I then try to read my csv into this database I get the following error:

csv_path = 'my_path/data.csv'
odo(csv_path, file_path + db_name)
conn.close()NotImplementedError: Unable to parse uri to data resource: # lists my path

Can you help?


No thanks to the ODO documentation, this succesfully created a new table in a new database and read in the csv file to that database:

import sqlite3
import csv
from odo import odo# [1]#  Specify file path
file_path = 'my_path/'
# In this case 'my_path/' is a substitute for my real path# Specify csv file path and name
csv_path = file_path + 'data.csv'# Specify database name
db_name = 'data.sqlite'# Connect to new database
conn = sqlite3.connect(file_path + db_name)# [2]# Use Odo to detect the shape and datatype of your csv:
data_shape = discover(resource(csv_path))# Ready in csv to new table called 'data' within database 'data.sqlite'
odo(pd.read_csv(csv_path), 'sqlite:///' + file_path + 'data.sqlite::data', dshape=data_shape)# Close database

Sources used in [1]: python odo sql AssertionError: datashape must be Record type, got 0 * {...}

Sources used in [2]: what is difference between .sqlite and .db file?

The ODO documentation is here (good luck...)

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