Can someone fix this? pip install intents

2024/7/8 7:27:11

I'm not sure why this is failing but I need help to fix it please I've been trying to fix it for about 2 hours now and can't figure it out. I have tried to restart my computer, look it up on google etc. but nothing is helping at all. am I missing something or is this a internal problem. If you find the problem, can you show me how you found it too? I'm trying to learn.

         Collecting intentsUsing cached intents-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (140 kB)Collecting dacite<2.0.0,>=1.6.0 (from intents)Using cached dacite-1.8.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (15 kB)Collecting google-cloud-dialogflow<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 (from intents)Using cached google_cloud_dialogflow-2.27.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata (5.4 kB)Collecting pyyaml<6.0.0,>=5.4.1 (from intents)Using cached PyYAML-5.4.1.tar.gz (175 kB)Installing build dependencies ... doneGetting requirements to build wheel ... errorerror: subprocess-exited-with-error× Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully.│ exit code: 1╰─> [54 lines of output]running egg_infowriting lib3\PyYAML.egg-info\PKG-INFOwriting dependency_links to lib3\PyYAML.egg-info\dependency_links.txtwriting top-level names to lib3\PyYAML.egg-info\top_level.txtTraceback (most recent call last):File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pip\_vendor\pyproject_hooks\_in_process\", line 353, in <module>main()File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pip\_vendor\pyproject_hooks\_in_process\", line 335, in mainjson_out['return_val'] = hook(**hook_input['kwargs'])^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pip\_vendor\pyproject_hooks\_in_process\", line 118, in get_requires_for_build_wheelreturn hook(config_settings)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\", line 325, in get_requires_for_build_wheelreturn self._get_build_requires(config_settings, requirements=['wheel'])^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\", line 295, in _get_build_requiresself.run_setup()File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\", line 311, in run_setupexec(code, locals())File "<string>", line 271, in <module>File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\", line 103, in setupreturn distutils.core.setup(**attrs)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\", line 185, in setupreturn run_commands(dist)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\", line 201, in run_commandsdist.run_commands()File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\", line 969, in run_commandsself.run_command(cmd)File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\", line 963, in run_commandsuper().run_command(command)File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\", line 988, in "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 321, in runself.find_sources()File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 329, in "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 551, in runself.add_defaults()File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 589, in add_defaultssdist.add_defaults(self)File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\", line 112, in add_defaultssuper().add_defaults()File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\command\", line 251, in add_defaultsself._add_defaults_ext()File "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\command\", line 336, in _add_defaults_extself.filelist.extend(build_ext.get_source_files())^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^File "<string>", line 201, in get_source_filesFile "C:\Users\hicks\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-5y4riome\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\_distutils\", line 107, in __getattr__raise AttributeError(attr)AttributeError: cython_sources[end of output]note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.error: subprocess-exited-with-error× Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully.│ exit code: 1╰─> See above for output.note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.

below method you can do to workaround

  1. clone repo and then in pyproject.toml file change the pyyaml dependency version to latest, and then do python3 -m pip install . in the cloned repo
  2. install without dependency and then add dependency of pyyaml in the project dependency. so to do so run python3 -m pip install intents --no-deps and python3 -m pip install pyyaml

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